PROBLEMS releases second single Shadow In The Dark video


PROBLEMS follows in the tradition of genre-breaking performers like DEVO and the Talking Heads, whose carefully honed, highly idiosyncratic visions expanded pop music's expressive capabilities.

His latest work, Shadow in the Dark, was written on a cold day in Paris while he stood in the shadow of the Arc de Triomphe.

“I love big structures and marvels of engineering. I love cranes and bridges and the like, and I started thinking about the story of Noah’s Ark and wondered if there were any Pekingese dogs on it. Musically it’s super influenced by Danse Macabre era The Faint, the band that has changed my life more than any other and who I love so dearly.” - PROBLEMS


Dinner TIme releases the latest single/video, One More Hour, from the upcoming album Technicolor.


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